
ICNOVA – Institute of Communication,

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,

NOVA University of Lisbon

Maria Teresa Cruz (Chair)​

Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences in the fields of Contemporary Culture and Technology and Art and Communication (NOVA FCSH – Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova University of Lisbon, Member of the Research Group on Culture, Media and Arts of ICNOVA – Institute of Communication of NOVA FCSH.

Madalena Miranda​

Invited Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences in the fields of Digital Media and Contemporary Culture and Technology (NOVA FCSH – Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova University of Lisbon, Member of the Research Group on Culture, Media and Arts of ICNOVA – Institute of Communication of NOVA FCSH.

Philipp Teuchmann​

Doctoral Student at the Department of Communication Sciences of NOVA FCSH in the field of Contemporary Culture and Technology, associated with the Research Group on Culture, Media and Arts of ICNOVA – Institute of Communication.

Nathalia Rech​

Doctoral Student at the Department of Communication Sciences of NOVA FCSH in the field of Contemporary Culture and Technology, associated with the Research Group on Culture, Media and Arts of ICNOVA – Institute of Communication.

Design project and audiovisual production


Madalena Miranda

Image and graphic creation

Nathalia Rech

Digital development

Carla Nave


Maria Teresa Cruz (coordination)

Philipp Teuchmann

Marisa Figueiredo

Patrícia Contreiras

Executive assistants

Diogo Coelho

Francisco Nunes 

Ana Kubrusly


Natália Manso

ICNOVA - NOVA Institute of Communication

ICNOVA is a research unit of Nova University of Lisbon in the field of Communication Sciences, based in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Humanities NOVA FCSH. It is funded by FCT, the national public agency that supports research in science, technology and innovation in all areas of knowledge and it was ranked as an “Excellent” unit of research in 2019 – 2023.

ICNOVA focuses on strengthening the link between research and advanced training through partnerships with institutions, universities, and international networks, promoting interdisciplinarity and rejuvenating the team through the integration of young researchers in groups and laboratories via scientific employment financed by S&T projects and institutions. In terms of relations with society, industry, and other R&D units, ICNOVA develops collaborative interfaces in academia and with key stakeholders, investing in innovative research, and in interacting with the community through the provision of services and the production of content from public interest.

The current structure of ICNOVA comprises four research groups (Media and Journalism; Culture, Mediation and Arts; Strategic Communication; and Performance and Cognition) and four laboratories (BlackBox; iNOVA Media Lab; LEC – Performing Arts Laboratory; LICA – Applied Communication Research Lab).

The Conference ARTS AND HUMANITIES IN DIGITAL TRANSITION is a proposal issued by the long stand collaboration between the ICNOVA Research Group on Culture, Mediation and Arts and the Master and Doctoral Programs on CONTEMPORARY CULTURE AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES (CCNT) of the Communication Sciences Department of Nova University of Lisbon / FCSH.

NOVA University Lisbon

NOVA University Lisbon UNLwas founded in 1973. Integrated within a framework of expansion and diversification of higher education, the University adopted a new model within the Portuguese system that stressed interdisciplinary approaches, technological developments while, at the same time, safeguarding offerings in traditional academic domains including medicine, sciences, and humanities.

The founding of NOVA was a response to an ever-increasing demand for higher education in Portugal, in general, and in the city of Lisbon, in particular. Since its inception, NOVA has aimed to innovate higher education in Portugal and to contribute to the social and economic development of the country.

NOVA is a decentralised University; its Faculties and Institutes enjoy a great deal of autonomy. As a public higher education institution, its mission is to serve the society at the local, regional and global level, through the progress and dissemination of knowledge and understanding between cultures, societies and people, by way of a teaching and research of excellence and of a provision of services based on a strong sense of community and with the following components: international profile, collaborative research, solidarity and sustainable development, and interinstitutional participation.